USD $11.42
CNC3 Brampton – Caledon Airport Pro is a meticulously detailed scenery of a well-known local GA airport in Toronto area, where many of GTA enthusiast learn to fly and enjoy flying for many years. It was designed from scratch for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020.
CNC3 Brampton Caledon Airport is a well-known local GA airport in Toronto area, where many of GTA enthusiast learn to fly and enjoy flying for many years. The airport is famous by it’s signature blue GA hangars with red roofs and mostly open aircraft pods, and a large open-air tie-down parking area. The original generic scenery looks unrealistic and has many issues, including the lack of the parking area, “baked-in” aircraft silouettes, unnstural grass texture etc. This scenery is replacing 28 generic hangars with a custom 3D models and model variations and includes a total of 38 hand-modelled buildings, as well as plethora of custom and stock objects carefully placed to increase realism and immersion.
Check out the Video Review by Practically Geek
Just unzip the /romandesign-airport-cnc3/ folder from the zip file you downloaded into your MSFS Community folder. Note that ContentManifest.json file is in the zip file just to preserve the MSFS SDK file structure, but it doesn’t need to be copied anywhere.
IMPORTANT: if you have previously installed a Lite version of this scenery, please remove it from Community folder when installing Pro version in order to avoid duplication.
CNC3 Brampton Caledon Airport is a well-known local GA airport in Toronto area, where many of GTA enthusiast learn to fly and enjoy flying for many years. The airport is famous by it’s signature blue GA hangars with red roofs and mostly open aircraft pods, and a large open-air parking area. The original MSFS generic scenery looks completely wrong, and has many problems, including the lack of the parking area, “baked-in” aircraft silouettes, unnetural grass texture poligons etc. This scenery replaced more than 30 generic hangars and buildings with a custom 3D models and model variations. Several unique buildings, such as Great War Flying Museum, main office and others were meticulously hand-modeled in excruciating detail, inclding building materials, signs antennas, parallax windows etc.
One of my fav sceneries- I learned to fly here
1st class product with exceptional detail!
Hi, Roman fantastic job had to buy all airport .Highly recommend
Beautiful craftsmanship. I have never actually been to Brampton airport. So, I can’t personally vouch for accuracy.