About Roman Design

Roman at CNC3 Brampton Caledon Airport

A Passion for Aviation and Flight Simulation

I’m a professional web designer and developer, a composer and a musician, a sci-fi novel author, and, as you might have guessed by now, a long-time flight simulation community member.


I have been a big fan of aviation and flight simulation for many years. I have used Microsoft Flight simulator since version ’95. For the last several years I have been flying in Virtual Reality with XPlane and Vatsim, so this passion was a part of my life for a long while.


I have created a large volumes of satellite-based global scenery packages for X-Plane with many tools available to the community, and a number of airport modifications as well.


When a new Microsoft Flight simulator was announced and demo videos were released, I was stunned with the beauty it presents. Finally it because not just a functional simulation, but a beauty to behold. Finally it’s worth it not just to fly a GA aircraft and enjoy the scenery, but to make an effort in creating local GA airport scenery that is true to life and as immersive as possible.


I could not resist the temptation to improve the default Toronto and GTA area, and then I set on to work on local GA airports that so many people enjoy and looking at the default generic MSFS implementation they certainly need some love and attention.


The first commercial release is a CNC3 Brampton Caledon Airport scenery, followed by CYKZ Buttonville. I plan to continue developing Toronto, Ontario and Canadian airports and scenery.


Feel free to get in touch. Any feedback and suggestions are welcome.